Flieger, grüß' mir die Sonne, grüß' mir die Sterne und grüß' mir den Mond. Dein Leben, das ist ein Schweben, durch die Ferne, die keiner bewohnt! - Hans Albers, F.P.1 antwortet nicht (Adaptation in the 80s: Extrabreit)

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Options, opions galore!

And sometimes too many options can be quite suffocating, it seems.

I could continue to live here, where I started at launch, becoming intimately familiar with every freaking moon and every CMDR zipping around here, thus making it a kind of virtual home.

I could start doing some missions and work on getting a good reputation with the Federals, seeing where this would lead me, mission-reward wise.

I could start doing one of those huge trading tours with rare goods, which would lead me through most of the part of the galaxy which is settled by civilisation.

I could work on building a perfectly equipped exploration ship and take off into the unknown - and get some systems named after me as long as there are still some in reasonable range.

I could follow the news-trail and get into the systems where those community events are happening. Maybe even help building one of those Empireal battleships, or turning over a system.

I could find that new space station which will switch locations every week and travel through the galaxy with it.

I could just trade and bounty hunt cash grind and collect every starship and weapon which there is in the game.

I could wait a bit more until the "wings" update is out and find a partner to go out there together and do mayhem.

I could start going into video-ing my ventures, bringing the finest art of dogfights and stories to the community like this. While I already did some videos, it unfortunately is very tedious for me to do; no good video editing software and a small bandwith for uploads (two hours for a 5 minute video, seriously!??).

I could look out for a guild or alliance and go with the social flow there, as I already had a bit with the folks from TEST: Mostly Harmless.

Or I could just do everything, given enough time, the completionist in me whispers. Sigh.

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