Yiphiehjay! Gamma 2.0 is out. And a new trailer with some incredible (literally...) fights. I wonder if some day, with the Oculus Rift, I will be able to maneuver in dogfights like this. At the Premiere Even, when I could test it, I had the distinct impression that so much more was possible when piloting with the Oculus Rift; almost like some extra senses of directions and control in my brain where suddenly put online.
While I am waiting for the slow download, first screenshots of the new ships pops up in the forum. The Adder seems to be a slightly bigger hauler, costing 87808 Credits:
However, the Lakon Type 7, well, I think I am instantly in love; this ship looks so awesome! A pity it is so expensive, 17,5 million Credits!
Another caveat, which is soon mentioned in the forum, is that this ship is too big to dock with an outpost. This basically means that my in-system trade route in Yakabugai has already maxed out its potential with my Type 6 (and its 102 tons max cargo capacity), and I would need to find a similar good one between two large stations in order to make use of the Type 7 (supposedly 230 tons max cargo capacity).
Unfortunately, loading the gamma2.0 client takes very long, so this evening I am cut short.
I am still at Boltzman Gateway, LTT 7548. The shipyard offers also an Adder, but not the Type 7. I also encounter the bug I read about in the forum; the Adder is gone from the menu when I look there a second time.
I take the Adder on a quicky test parcour, over to the other station which has a commodity market. This already takes a while, some 2000 ls to cross. It looks and feels and basically is a slightly upgraded hauler. Which is a bit disappointing. I think there are plenty of holes between the 130.000 Credit Cobra and the 1.000.000 Credit Type 6 and the 6.000.000 Credit Asp and the 23.000.000 Credit Clipper/Droppship. But not beween the price range of just 30.000 to 130.000 Credits. Also, the cockpit view is rather limited, same as the hauler, even though this one here is a two-seated version. Verdict: Useless ship. Sad. Maybe again worth looking at some point later when multi-crew ships are going to be introduced to the game?
My short flight is met by weirdness. First, I am attacked by Federal Fighters when I leave the dock. Why? Then I am interdicted and do not manage to evade; a system security Viper is red, scans me but does not attack but tells me to proceed. So, what now? Am I an enemy to the Federals or not? I guess I will have to wait some time to get this sorted out. Either bugs or some special meaning from actions in my past which I did not understand the consequences of. If the situation worsens, I will have to withdraw to Alliance or Empire space. And just come into Federal space for some vicious bounty hunting trips...
Despite those irritations and being underwhelmed of the Adder, I like the changes of Gamma2.0. Routefinder, a little display for the frameshift cooldown time, some more mission types and a better reputation overview layout/design. Keep it coming!
That´s already it for tonight.
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