There, I just take a little holiday and Squad just rushes out the new patch 1.1 in my absence! Since the patch mainly contains a re-worked game engine but no changes of game content, my current career campaign should be still valid. Right? However, as a forum poster pointed out, it was tradition for the Kerbal Space Programm to delete all old saves and start a new game, lest the Kraken would feast.
So that is why I am very curious and fire up the game. The graphic seems to be more crisp and clear, wonderful. A bit annoying that they switched positions in the UI; was that necessary? Checking my save game further, it turns out that the Kerbal Space Program greets the new patch in a typical Kerbal way:
Let´s check how the 64-bit version works with a high part count; switch to my Orbital Terminal. Nice! Very smooth framerates, definitely an improvement! |
Uh-oh... what is going on? The whole structure starts to shake and shudder! |
OMG! Mayday, mayday! |
I guess the Kraken took a healthy bite! |
Fortunately, the core of the station is still there, and it is still usable: Enough docking ports, living space and fuel storage are remaining. Oh, well. The story of orbital interaction has already its count of accidents, I might very well roleplay this out, too. No Kerbals were harmed, the station is currently unmanned. All docked vessels are unharmed. Wait... one is missing! |
The Spacefish! It has survived the explosion and drifts away, still docked to a part of the space station. I think I can manage this with a little rescue mission. |
Switch to my next many-part vessel, the Navitas, currently on mining operation on Minmus. What is going to happen? Whew, nothing, thank god. But then... wait, is that thing really starting to slide? OMG... |
Look at the position of the flags! The whole vessel slides down that steep slope I had settled it on. Fortunately, the drills do not seem to have a collision mechanic, so they do not break even though they should like this! It turns out that I am lucky to have planted that row of flags. They do act now like a fence and finally stop the sliding. Whew! |
All in all, I think I can live with those two little mishaps and continue this career campaign. I would have hated having to restart once more, again not reaching Duna!